July 7, 2020
All currently elected officers were present at the meeting. The meeting was characterized by a few main headlines for the next school year: how will scheduling work, chapter poster, how the budget looks, how to proceed with new merchandise, and possible speakers.
SCAN will operate in one of three different methods which are normal in-person meetings, limited meetings with zoom options, fully online options. One method will be chosen once guidance is provided from the University. Furthermore, when looking at speakers, the overarching themes included current research going on at OU, private sector meteorology, and broadcast meteorology.
When discussing the budget, dues were discussed in reference to the three different options, and a discounted dues amount would be offered for zoom options. Exact prices have not been set at this time. While discussing the budget, merchandise was a large topic of the meeting and many ideas were thrown around. New T-shirt designs and other potential items were looked at. Potential fundraisers could be used to both sell merchandise and raise money for the chapter.
Another thing that we discussed was possible different social media ideas including throwback Thursday, research spotlights, alumni spotlights, etc. Furthermore, social media takeovers and highlighting member achievements are possible this upcoming year. Having a larger social media presence is important moving forward especially with potentially online options for meetings. Furthermore, updates to the website have been ongoing and are continuing.
Finally, new outreach opportunities were discussed. One idea was a severe weather guide that discusses a specific severe hazard that Oklahoma can experience (winter weather, severe weather, flash flooding, etc.). The idea could be uploaded to the SCAN website and be downloaded and printed out by people that want them.