We opened the meeting with our guest speaker, Dr. Kodi Berry from the National Severe Storms Lab. She gave a brief overview of her educational background, work experience, as well as some notable events throughout her educational and professional career. She talked a little bit about KPHI-TV and then went on to discuss FACETs. After this, she answered questions that members in attendance had. If you have any questions you would like to ask her about her work with FACETs or anything else, you can email her at kodi.berry@noaa.gov.
After Dr. Berry was done with her presentation, Leia gave a reminder about OU’s Storm Chasing Policy. Marcus then gave the final results of the food drive. We had 325 items donated from 28 people. Bruce gave an update on the Hurricane Relief Fundraiser. We have raised over $700 so far, and we still have quite a bit of time left to raise more money! Dr. Martin is currently in first place, followed by Dr. Redemann, and then David Stang.
The next social event is the OU Ghost Tour on October 22nd from 8-9:30 PM. You should plan to get there about 10-15 minutes early.
On November 4th we will have an REU/Hollings Resume and Application Workshop. This will be from 5-7 PM and will include Rick Dubler and Daphne LaDue, some past Hollings Scholars, as well as a few other guest speakers.
The November General Meeting will be on November 15, from 6-8 PM. Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier will be speaking on research that he is currently working on as well as his experience as the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Lastly, Kaitlyn and Marcus talked about Big Event/Little Event.
The winner of the Baked Bear gift card was Joshua Brock.