We are proud to announce that moving forward OU SCAN will be providing students with alternative funding opportunities to assist members in attending professional conferences such as the AMS and NWA Annual Meetings.
This fund will be awarded to one outstanding active member (officers included) who demonstrates a financial need and has gone above the call of an active member by serving the chapter or national organization. This fund will be used to pay for annual meeting registration fees or travel to the annual meeting to the minimum of $200. Applications for this travel fund will be reviewed and approved by the advisor exclusively. The officer board has the authority to withhold these funds if the awarded active member does not attend the conference in which they applied to the travel fund for.
To be eligible for the fund you must be an ACTIVE Member of OU SCAN. This means you have paid your dues, attended at least 66% of meetings, and have participated in at least one service project through the organization. Each additional service event can be used to make-up for a missed general meeting. Active members of the previous semester who are studying abroad will retain their active membership status and not owe dues for that semester.
Conference travel funds must be used for registration or travel to attend the AMS annual conference. Requests will only be considered for pending travel. All effort will be made to have a decision within 2 weeks of the application closing. Recipients will receive funds through a written check signed from OU SCAN no earlier than two weeks from the travel departure date
To apply, please completely fill out the form below. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The Application for AMS 2023 is closed. Visit this page closer to the 104th AMS Annual Meeting to apply for AMS 2024!
Why should I go to a professional conference?
- Network with professionals of the field!
- Narrow down your interests and explore new ones!
- Gain new perspectives from peers of other universities!
- Explore a new city!