September Officer Meeting

September Officer Meeting

September 13, 2022

Synopsis (Meeting Minutes):

Per our constitution, all OU SCAN leaders are required to attend mandatory yearly Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training. As per a vote during this meeting, you are expected to attend all of them, but you must attend 2/3 of them at a minimum. If you cannot attend regardless of any reason, you must contact the SCAN President and Vice Presidents, and A&GS Assistant Dean via a formal email to explain why you cannot attend the training. This amendment passed with 10 in favor and 0 against.

We now have an Apparel/Fundraiser Chair! Jack Shumaker will be appointed to this role.

Our September General Meeting is September 20th from 5-7:30 PM. We will be getting Papa Johns with salads. Megan Gold will be speaking from 6-7:30 and we will be eating in the atrium from 5-6PM. The cost for food will be roughly $165. 

We are currently looking for companies to print t-shirts and have a couple of options. We could continue to talk with ID Solutions and try to figure out a plan, or we could have our apparel fundraiser now with a SoM friendly design and go through a cheap printing vendor, pay the difference, and then sell as much as we want. 

The abstract for AMS has been submitted! All officers will be listed as authors, but you must have an AMS account to be added. Once you have created an AMS account, please let Kaitlyn know!

The NSF EPSCoR Women in Science Conference is October 4th at the Oklahoma Science Museum from 9AM-2PM. If you are able to attend and help present, please do!

We will be having a Pinkberry Picnic on September 22nd from 4-8PM. The October General Meeting will be October 18th from 5-7:30PM. The October Social Event will be October 27th. Last but not least, the National Weather Festival will be October 29th from 10AM-2PM!

We have a couple of service opportunities coming up as well! The Little Event will be October 22nd from 9AM-12PM. 

Our next officer meeting will be October 11th at 6:30PM.