About Us


The University of Oklahoma Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society and National Weather Association is an independent student-run organization at the University of Oklahoma that was established in 1961. The purpose of this organization is to provide educational, professional, social, and service opportunities for University of Oklahoma students interested in meteorology. It is also meant to provide community awareness regarding weather. Monthly meetings are held during the semester on the second Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in NWC 1313. At these meetings students will hear from a speaker from the meteorological community, as well as go over details for upcoming events, whether they be social or service events.

View or Download our constitution here!


Andrew Kenny

Major: Meteorology
Year: Senior
Omaha, Nebraska

3 things I Love: Swimming, Ultimate, Climatology

Career Aspirations: Research meteorologist studying the relationship between climate change and severe weather.

Twitter: @andrew_kenny_wx

Liam Thompson

Vice President of External Affairs
Major: Meteorology, Environmental Sustainability
Year: Junior
Hometown: Norman, Oklahoma

3 things I Love: Coding, Coffee, Photography

Career Aspirations: In the future, I plan to attend graduate school to obtain a PhD and further my research studies. Though I am unsure what I would like to do after such, I have kept an open mind for any opportunities that may arise.

Twitter: @DringusWX

Andrew Kenny

Vice President of Internal Affairs
: Meteorology
Year: Junior
Omaha, Nebraska

3 things I Love: Swimming, Ultimate, Climatology

Career Aspirations: Research meteorologist studying the relationship between climate change and severe weather.

Twitter: @andrew_kenny_wx

Danielle Crutchfield

Major: Meteorology
Year: Junior
Hometown: Prattsville, Arkansas

3 things I Love: Reading, playing guitar, and the weather

Career Aspirations: Obtain my PhD and become a research meteorologist

Twitter: @danielle__wx

Jack Schumaker

Major: Meteorology
Year: Junior
Hometown: Sterling, VA

3 things I Love: Hiking, hockey, hamburgers

Career Aspirations: Operational meteorology, such as with the NWS, or perhaps something involving meteorology and social science

Twitter: @JackShumakerWx

Liam Thompson

Major: Meteorology
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Norman, Oklahoma

3 things I Love: Making fresh food, airplanes, and coffee 

Career Aspirations: Research meteorologist

Twitter: @arcticnook

Preston Roesslet

Major: Computer Science
Year: Senior
Hometown: Nixa, Missouri

3 things I Love: Coding, coffee, and candles

Career Aspirations: I just want to write code, maybe at Google or something

Twitter: @prestonroesslet


Scotty Allen

Outreach Coordinator
Major: Meteorology
Year: Sophomore

3 things I Love: 

Career Aspirations: 


Sage Lail

DEIJ Advocate
Major: Meteorology
Year: Senior
Hometown: Lakeland, Florida

3 things I Love: Traveling, The Environment, Classic SpongeBob Episodes

Career Aspirations: Stop climate change from boiling the planet

Jacob Widanski

Apparel/Fundraising Chair 
Major: Meteorology
Year: Junior
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

3 things I Love: Photography, running, and mesoscale convective systems

Career Aspirations: Research meteorologist with a focus in data science / ML after graduate school

Twitter: @widanskiwx

Colin Welty

Senior Representative
Major: Meteorology
Year: Senior
Hometown: Frisco, Texas

3 things I Love: Urbanism, weather, and travel!

Career Aspirations: I’d love to be a research meteorologist, either at NOAA/NCAR or a University!

Twitter: @weltywx

Malachi Bowen

Junior Representative
Major: Meteorology
Hometown: Richmond, Kentucky

3 things I Love: Cooking, coffee, baseball

Career Aspirations: Operational forecasting, hydrology, and public sector meteorology.

Twitter: @MalachiBowen2

Ethan Stroberg

Sophomore Representative
Major: Meteorology 
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: San Diego, California

3 things I Love: Jesus, making music, and the outdoors

Career Aspirations: I want to become either a severe weather researcher or a professional musician.


Caleb Burkey

Freshman Representative
Major: Meteorology
Hometown: Hartville, OH

3 things I Love: Three things i LOVE are playing piano & guitar, studying and looking at historical weather/events (primarily tornado outbreaks and severe storm events), and writing!

Career Aspirations: Once I obtain my degree, I want to go through graduate school and obtain a PhD in Meteorology and work for the Storm Prediction Center one day.

Twitter: @caleb_burkey

Thomas Hernandez

Freshman Representative
Major: Meteorology
Hometown: Battle Ground, WA

3 things I Love: 1.) I enjoy going on road trips across the United States. 2.) In my spare time, I like going on walks at night or playing video games. 3.) I am really interested in how fire reacts with the weather and climate, especially when it comes to wildfires.

Career Aspirations: After my schooling is complete, hope to be employed with the National Weather Service to monitor wildfires and how it will interact with the weather and climate.

Twitter: @savsouthwardwx


Bobby Sabba

Graduate Representative
Major: Meteorology
Masters Student
Hometown: Mansfield, Massachusetts

3 things I Love: I love music, football, and getting out in the community!

Career Aspirations: I hope to become a professor and enter the world of academia!

Twitter: @bobbysabawx